tendril|tendrils in English


[ten·dril || 'tendrɪl]

threadlike and clinging part of a climbing plant (Botany); threadlike ringlet of hai

Use "tendril|tendrils" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tendril|tendrils" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tendril|tendrils", or refer to the context using the word "tendril|tendrils" in the English Dictionary.

1. These tendrils cross plains, deserts, and grasslands.

2. The tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion.

3. MACRO SHOT - The tendrils INTERTWINE with gentle undulations.

4. He could feel the tendrils curling around his legs.

5. An Arabesquerie Of ivy tendrils round them both is twined

6. Horizontal tendril of branch of wooden attribute home is circled, halcyon and sweet.

7. The thick tendrils of fog Caressed the car, drawing it deeper into its muggy embrace

8. He watered the vines so little that the leaves drooped and the tendrils withered.

9. Bugs creep around him through the tendrils and quite near a thrush is singing.

10. Bines use stiff hairs on their main stem as anchors (and not tendrils like vines)

11. The most extreme complication seems to lie in the tendrils, which can meander most wildly.

12. Despite this plasticity, the Bracteole positioned between the tendril and the stipule is always the most developed organ (Fig

13. Adenocarcinomas can spread locally by shooting off tendrils of cells through the basement membrane into adjacent tissues

14. The evening was misty and moist, with tendrils of thicker fog swirling around in the night air.

15. Damp affects down particularly badly causing the fluffy tendrils to clog together and lose the ability to insulate.

16. Sticky tendrils of rain slithered down the semi-steamed windows of the idling Rolls, encouraging a creeping melancholia.

17. 24 The central volutes intertwine and a tendril and foliage breaks the line of the abacus between these and the angle volutes.

18. It's also very pretty when it's all up with that curly tendrils like in that picture I took.

19. 29 Damp affects down particularly badly causing the fluffy tendrils to clog together and lose the ability to insulate.

20. Sprites can take the form of fast-paced balls of electricity, although they can also form streaks or tendrils.

21. And almost like a candelabra, growing up from it, we see these tendrils of all kinds of plants that spiral.

22. 22 Sticky tendrils of rain slithered down the semi-steamed windows of the idling Rolls,[www.Sentencedict.com] encouraging a creeping melancholia.

23. One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain.

24. ‘Each hair-like Cilium is associated with a set of tubules and structural protein molecules that make up a kinetosome.’ Synonyms fibre , thread, strand, tendril

25. The Childhood, perhaps, gives too joyless a picture of the tendrils of home that Thomas brought with him from boyhood.